
I am a storyteller, writer and Lutheran pastor.

My most recent employment was at the Danish Church in London.

For many years I have been performing as a storyteller and public speaker all over Denmark and in London – at clubs, societies, The Moth, churches, tv, Zoom and other digital platforms.

I am a three-times winner of The Moth StorySLAM in London.

I have published four books on literature, Bible stories and storytelling. My latest book came out in English in 2022  and is titled Look up and love the world – stories about life, loss and faith.

In a time dominated by materialism and an enormous media flow, it is important that we have great stories which shed light on our very existence, ethical dilemmas and current society. Often, we find that a story provides more wisdom, more hope and more perspective than scientific data or self-help books. Some times it is easier to try to make sense of the world one story at a time.

Here are my in-English stories and talks:

Look up and love the world – stories about life, loss and faith
The purpose is to shed light on life, loss and faith. I am drawing on experiences from my own and other’s life, from art, the Bible, literature and media. Knowing ourselves entails knowing our own stories about life, loss and faith.

The art of storytelling
I’m a three-times winner of StorySlam at The Moth, London. And fascinated by the power of storytelling. In this talk / workshop I am focusing on the key elements necessary to both create and tell a compelling story, for example:
– Use stories to deliver a message
– How to structure a story
– How to deliver a story without notes